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Shows to see in Los Angeles: May 2023
Shows to see in Los Angeles this month!

Los Angeles shows to see April 2023
A list of shows to see in Los Angeles this April

Plays about women are not political, they are normal.
A friend and I both saw a show and he mentioned that the show was popular because it was so political. I snapped. This is the plot of a...

"Everyone is our target audience" NO. THEY. ARE. NOT.
Buckle up for a rant, (but also I hope this helps you). I've been working in arts marketing for several years now, and yet have never...

What's my age again?
"My friend's say I should act my age" I'm 23, and if you haven't heard the song "What's my Age Again" by blink-182, take the time to...

17 to 23, one show started my career.
In 2012 I saw Allegiance at San Diego’s Old Globe Theatre. I was 17 and it changed my life. Five years later, I got to see it again and...

2017 Ovation Awards - A Love Letter to LA Theatre
This event is everything I love about my job. In Downtown Los Angeles, 1,300 people were in ballgowns and tuxedos in a historic and...

What do you do with a BA in Theatre?
This is originally posted on the blog I run for MainStreet Theatre Company. on August 17, 2015 “What are you going to do with a theatre...

Theatre Majors - you are enough
To the graduating Theatre Majors of 2017 My commencement speaker’s most memorable line: “Titles don’t matter, it is what you do with...

Andrew Scott is King of West End as Prince of Denmark
The Danish Prince has once again invaded the West End. Robert Icke’s almost four hour long production of “Hamlet” has been extended to...

Culture Shock - A Comparison of Los Angles and London Theatre
"For once I was not the only person around me that loved theatre" London is considered the theatre capital of the world. American...

5 things I learned as a Producer's Assistant
’ve worked at MainStreet Theatre Company since May 2015, I have officially turned in my two weeks notice because I will be studying...
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