What's my age again?"My friend's say I should act my age" I'm 23, and if you haven't heard the song "What's my Age Again" by blink-182, take the time to...
What do you do when you your future falls apart? The other day I was talking to a friend who is about to graduate. "We can't all have our lives figured out like you do Michaela." I...
2017 Ovation Awards - A Love Letter to LA Theatre This event is everything I love about my job. In Downtown Los Angeles, 1,300 people were in ballgowns and tuxedos in a historic and...
This is not the life I planned, somehow it's even better.A year ago I was quitting all my jobs, packing up all my belongings, about to start my last semester of college, and study abroad in...
5 things I learned as a Producer's Assistant’ve worked at MainStreet Theatre Company since May 2015, I have officially turned in my two weeks notice because I will be studying...