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Shows to See: July 2023
Shows to see in Los Angeles - July 2023

Shows to see in Los Angeles: May 2023
Shows to see in Los Angeles this month!

Los Angeles shows to see April 2023
A list of shows to see in Los Angeles this April

Shows I'm seeing March 2023
My non-exhaustive list of shows I'm seeing in Los Angeles Theatre

Shows I'm seeing February 2023
For all the folks that ask me what shows are coming up

Who's in charge of LA theatre anyway?
As much as I deeply love Los Angeles theatre, we are struggling in the leadership department, but here's how we can change.

Collaborative Leadership Models in Los Angeles Theatre
Building a new future for Los Angeles theatre is not a conversation about technology or theatre layouts. This problem will not be...

Lessons from losing the same job twice.
It takes a special kind of person to lose the same job twice.

How to stay connected professionally during social distancing
This time has lead to a major increase of online interactions. People are posting on social media more, creating new content, and...

Chaos, Theatre, and Hope
Los Angeles Theatre, I love you, you’re perfect, now change. Because we don’t really have a choice. Theatre as we know it has changed,...

How to not get depressed during Social Distancing
Being a twin, I wasn’t even brought into this world alone. Since pre-day one I’ve always had someone around me. I grew up in a big...

How to keep your career moving when things are slow
Any arts industry has “busy seasons” and we are all currently in a slow period for theatre and live performances. However, seasons always...

Plays about women are not political, they are normal.
A friend and I both saw a show and he mentioned that the show was popular because it was so political. I snapped. This is the plot of a...

Nonprofit Marketing vs Social Marketing vs For-Profit Marketing Social Causes
I don't know why people think it's all the same. Let me explain why Center Theatre Group, #MeToo and Nike are not the same. In tonight's...

Please take your marketing seriously
Welcome to the second edition of "my marketing class fills me with immense anger and sadness and I express it to strangers on the...

"Everyone is our target audience" NO. THEY. ARE. NOT.
Buckle up for a rant, (but also I hope this helps you). I've been working in arts marketing for several years now, and yet have never...

Coffee to Cabaret - How to start a project
The last several months (or several years) I have been saying I wanted to start a blog. I already considered myself an online marketing...

How to beat imposter syndrome
At work I accidentally found all the applicants for the job I currently have. There were people with way more experience, master's...

How to balance multiple projects
A couple days ago I had a total mental breakdown. For the first time in a long time I felt completely overwhelmed. Immediately I wanted...

What's my age again?
"My friend's say I should act my age" I'm 23, and if you haven't heard the song "What's my Age Again" by blink-182, take the time to...
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